MELD aims to provide locally accessible, confidential and non-judgmental services, to promote recovery and reduce harm associated with substance use across Midlothian and East Lothian.
– CORE SERVICE (Midlothian and East Lothian) provides confidential advice, information and a counselling-skills-based approach. Call 07843 339 958 to discuss with a member of the Contact Service.
– PEER SUPPORT (East Lothian) offers motivational interventions and supports people to attend appointments or groups. Call 07843 339 963.
– FAMILY SUPPORT (East Lothian) offers support to family members who are affected by, or worried about, someone else’s substance use. Call 07541 460 725.
– NEEDLE EXCHANGE SERVICE (Midlothian and East Lothian) provides clean injecting equipment and advice on safer injecting, and information on related issues such as blood borne viruses (BBVs). Call 07843 339 960.
– Please check the DRUG WARNINGS page for latest local information.
– For news and events including SMART meetings, please see the NEWS AND EVENTS page.